God Rave


 GodRave is an incredible night of expressing ourselves and our spirit through the Divine energy of dance. Presented by Jack Fowler, Christy Snow and Renee Leboa, this experiential night of “dancing our divine truth” is infused with urban dance beats accompanied by spoken affirmations from some of the world’s most powerful spiritual teachers. GodRave mixes the ancient art of moving meditation with modern club dance music, Native American Flute, live chants, spoken word, drumming and more. Each “God Dancer” will be guided through a series of songs and rhythms that exemplify the transformational experience of this powerful evening! GodRave encourages everyone to find their own personal mode of dance with each rhythm. It is freeing to the Spirit and liberating to the soul. This particular GodRave will be celebrated with an extra special festive Mardi Gras Theme

Center For Positive Living · 6101 Idlewild Rd . Ste. 332 · Charlotte · NC · 28212


  1. I would LOVE to come to the GODRAVE. But I would need to bring my 5-year-old daughter. Do you think this would be an appropriate environment for her? Thanks! Love your blog.

  2. I went to it last year and it was fun. The music might be a little loud for her but I did see kids dancing there. If she likes to dance, she will have fun. Of course, there is no alcohol. Just music and dancing.

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