Inner peace is closer than you think


In my journey to find some meaning in my life, I decided I would try to find a place to meditate with other people who could guide me in this process.

Searching the Internet ,I found a place in Charlotte called the Vajradhara Buddhist Center which seemed interesting. As I was looking through their site, I realized their foundation was in my neighborhood! and just a short walk up the road!!.

Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to attend a class sponsored by the center called “A Beautiful Life” which is taught by a Buddhist monk. These classes are supposed to help you to think more positively and to allow you to achieve inner peace. Not knowing what to expect, I was a little nervous (coupled with general social anxiety) as I entered the room.

There were about 15 people in the room of various ages and sexes. The teacher entered the room wearing a yellow and red gown(?). Everyone rose and assumed a prayer pose (a gesture of respect and humility) until he gracefully sat down.

He was a bald, Caucasian man who spoke with a gentle Scottish accent. He began with a guided meditation which led us to the lesson for the day and ended with a question and answer session. All in all, it was very positive experience and I plan on attending the entire series. I later found out there is a special event called “Healing relationships: a day of teaching and meditation” at the foundation this weekend, and I will probably bike over there to attend the class.

This may be what I have been searching for…

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