A Greener City? Celadon Greenway Charlotte, NC


Welcome to Charlotte, a banker’s city glistening with skyscrapers and an abundance of new growth at the expense of it’s historical past and natural landscape. Not a city I would expect to find environmentally friendly communities.

celadon.jpgWell, I was wrong (go figure). An Eco friendly community called Celadon Greenway is being developed in Wesley Heights near downtown Charlotte. The 24 town homes are being built on a heavily wooded greenway with environmentally friendly materials including a light and heat reflective roofing system, dual flush toilets (one that uses half the water when you want to conserve), low energy consumption kitchen appliances, recycled glass, eco-friendly insulation, bamboo floors, and a special water consumption meter that tells you how much water you have used, encouraging you to conserve. 

Living in this development is a great way to lower your carbon footprint.  All this is presented in a modern Le Corbusier style architecture with an abundance of trees and greenery to meditate around… You can check out the official info at their website: celadongreenway.com Here is a link to a carbon footprint calculator.

“A person who cares about the earth will resonate with its purity.”
– Sally Fox


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