I was at Urban Outfitters the other day and saw this cute solar powered plastic toy called a Sunshine Buddy or Nohohon Zoku in Japanese. I was immediately drawn to it’s peaceful smiling face, over-sized head, and the small smiling baby clinging to it.
When exposed to light the sunshine buddy slowly bobs it’s head affirming it’s peaceful, blissful nature. Somehow this bobbing Buddha-like figure had the effect of making me smile…
I bought one right then no questions asked.
My sunshine buddy has found its home near my coffee maker where it happily smiles and bobs when I make coffee in the morning. … Hmm… if I could only find such bliss in my everyday life.
Maybe the way to inner peace is detachment from material things and more of a connection to other people. For some reason, the more things I buy the more I want, and the less happy I become after the “New” wears off. Maybe the quietly bobbing sunshine buddy knows something I don’t…
Maybe it has something to do with sunlight…or just smiling more. I just wish it would tell me it’s secret.
[youtube 5CkHmVTIKuk&rel=0&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&hl=en&autoplay=0]